Saturday, February 9, 2008

Litter at Allesley Park

What a Mess! Residents have contacted me to complain of the litter at Somefields in Allesley Park. Let me know what you think also.


Anonymous said...

You are right Bally- it is a disgrace. I notice it every time I go shopping.

Anonymous said...

I was down there on Saturday and it's awful. Someone needs to sort it out - I'll be voting for the Labour Paty in May!

Anonymous said...

What are the Tory councillors doing on this issue? It's been a disgrace for ages. Thank you very much Bally for highlighting the issue. I wish you all the best for May and I will be voting for you.

Anonymous said...

Bally Thank you.

I observed the Council cleaning up this mess last Tuesday. I have never known them to do this before. It was clearly a result of your campaign.

Thanks again and best of luck for May 1st.