Sunday, April 27, 2008

Let's put People before Politics

On May 1st your chance to show a new way is possible with local politics. The Conservatives are stuck in their old, incompetent and divisive ways. Make change happen - support me to bring fresh energy, new ideas and independent thought to Whoberley ward.

Already I have worked hard to consult with local residents. We have had success in forcing the council to act on the potholes in Brookside Avenue, and the horrendous litter by Somerfields. We have highlighted the issue of protecting Hearsall Common, the derelict Watchmakers building, and the need to resolve the ‘parking squeeze’ in Earlsdon.

There is still a lot to do though. I want to move away from the old ways that have failed us, and put people before politics. This change is possible, if you vote for it. I ask you to put your faith in me; I will not let you down.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

St George, a force for Unity.

I was concerned at the recent tone of debate regarding, the council funded, CV One's decison to cancel St George's day celebrations. The follwing letter, I wrote, was published in the Coventry Evening Telegraph on Saturday 5th April. Let me know what you think..

"I am dismayed to hear that the St George’s day celebrations have been cancelled. This short sighted decision by CV One, a group funded by the Conservative Council, is a direct result of Tory financial incompetence. Jobs and services are being cut throughout Coventry as they try to balance a deficit of millions.

My hard working parents had emigrated from India to Coventry in the 1960’s, and found a welcoming home to raise their family. As a Coventry born kid, I believe the managers at CV One have missed an opportunity to celebrate the rich cultural history of this country. A celebration to unite, not divide, the good people of this city.

Having studied at Caludon Castle, said to be the birthplace of St George, the legend of slaying the dragon is especially poignant to me. It is a powerful parable of conquering our inner demons, be it hate, envy or greed. As a nation we are more proud to be defined by our positive values of unity, tolerance and compassion. It is a tale that CV One and the Council can learn from."

Labour councils deliver value-for-money services and cost you less

Vote Labour on 1st May if you want value-for-money local services and lower council tax than in Tory or Lib Dem-led councils. The official figures published by the Office of National Statistics prove that Labour councils cost you less than the Conservatives.

The 2008-9 council tax figures show clearly that Labour councils offer the best value for money. Across the country, residents living in top-tier Labour council areas pay £204 less on average per year than Conservative controlled councils and £143 less than Lib Dem councils.

And thanks to extra investment in local government, this year’s is the lowest percentage increase for 14 years, and the second-lowest increase since council tax began.

Labour’s investment in local councils means that Britain’s town halls have had almost a 40 per cent increase in funding since 1997. That means more money for improving schools, safer parks, cleaner streets and tough action to tackle anti-social behaviour, graffiti, litter and vandalism.

In Coventry we have had central funding increases every year since 1997, compared to 4 years of reductions under the last Conservative government. However, the Tory council have squandered this extra money with their financial incompetence. Jobs and local services are being cut as they try to balance a deficit of millions.

The choice for people voting in May’s local elections is clear – if you want value for money from your local council, and a cleaner, greener, safer neighbourhood, vote Labour on Thursday 1st May.

My Pledges for Winning back Whoberley

Protect our local environment so that we become more proud of our area. The Conservatives have tried to ignore local people, with intrusive bus lanes through the beauty of Hearsall Common. They have presided over drift regarding the derelict eyesore of the historic Watchmakers building. Litter remains a constant problem on our streets, green spaces, and streams. I intend to bring new energy and action on these issues so important to our wellbeing.

Challenge Anti Social behaviour. Residents are tired of underage drinking, nuisance fireworks, illegal bonfires, and obstructive non resident parking. Existing powers should be enforced more effectively, and I will act to provide full support to the police. A Labour council is committed to more community police in your area. I will also work closely with Geoffrey Robinson MP, fighting hard for our fair share of funding to ensure young people have exciting activities outside of school.

Improve our council services by pursuing an open and honest approach. If people are listened to in the first instance, the council can respond to resident’s needs rather than pursuing unwanted expensive new projects. The current Conservative Council has plunged Coventry into a deficit of millions, risking our basic services. I will endeavour to use all my effort tailoring services to the needs of residents and getting the very best value for our money.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Plenty a Pothole!

Funny how our Council tax goes up but our roads get worse?

Instead of fixing the problem, jobs and services are being cut as the Conservatives try to balance a huge deficit. It is time for a new way to look at old problems. It is time for a change...

Friday, March 7, 2008

The 'Eyesore' still stands!

Once a symbol of Coventry’s proud manufacturing excellence, the derelict Watchmaker’s factory on Allesley old Road now epitomises all that can go wrong with our area.

The financial incompetence of the Conservative Council has left the city to rot like the building. Jobs and vital services are being cut as they try to balance a deficit of millions.

The derelict site is also attracting anti social behaviour, with local residents even reporting drug use! Worryingly a damaged fence allows children access to the dangerous building.

Something needs to be done...

Protecting Hearsall Common

A local Resident makes a persuasive case for protecting Hearsall Common from intrusive bus lanes. Do you agree?

“There are applications currently under consideration to make Hearsall Common a ‘town green’, protecting it from future development. Council-backed PrimeLines is already digging up part of the common for a bus lane and gate, having overridden residents’ opposition to do this. They were also going to drive a new road through the common next to Earlsdon Avenue North, but this had to be put on hold because of the application. Contrary to leader Ken Taylor’s claims, Council minutes state that if the application fails, this proposal will be revived. This is why we want Hearsall Common registered as a green.”
Dr Richard Austen-Baker, Chapelfields

Earlsdon’s Parking Squeeze!

Residents have let me know they are sick of the tight parking squeeze outside their homes. Non residents use Earlsdon as a ‘park and ride’ into the town centre.

The financial incompetence of the Conservative controlled Council means there is no extra money to extend the Butts resident parking scheme into your area. Council services are being cut as they try to balance a £7 million pound deficit. Jobs will also suffer as 116 families face redundancies this year.

So have you faced parking problems and what should be done about this? Let me know what you think.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Helping local communities

Gordon Brown let me know of his ideas to encourage stronger communities, at the Labour Party spring conference in Birmingham 1st March 2008. How do you think we can help local communities?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Litter at Allesley Park

What a Mess! Residents have contacted me to complain of the litter at Somefields in Allesley Park. Let me know what you think also.

Friday, January 11, 2008

In 2008 the Conservative’s financial incompetence is going to hit us all…

Quite how they managed to do it, but in the 4 years the Conservatives have been in control of the Council they have managed to plunge our finances into £7 million of deficit.

What does this incompetent management mean for us? We are faced with another big rise in council tax and likely a large cut in council services. Pay a lot more and get less.

As well as higher tax and poorer services, we also start the New Year with many families in Coventry having the spectre of redundancy hanging over them. It seems that the mismanagement of the Conservatives could see 120 people losing their jobs with the council.

Why tolerate this? The good people of Coventry deserve a change …