The financial incompetence of the Conservative controlled Council means there is no extra money to extend the Butts resident parking scheme into your area. Council services are being cut as they try to balance a £7 million pound deficit. Jobs will also suffer as 116 families face redundancies this year.
So have you faced parking problems and what should be done about this? Let me know what you think.
I have to say I think you are up the wrong tree with this one. I live in the area ( got your leaflet yesterday)and the worst problems are at night when residents get home with their own vehicles. During the day parking is not too bad, a residents scheme would have no effect and just cost us money each year for permits.
Thank you for your feedback.
I have had residents contact me regarding parking problems in the area, and I believe this is an issue worth raising considering the Butts parking scheme operates nearby.
I have put this out to consultation in order gauge public opionion on the matter. It may be the case that some streets in Earlsdon are affected worse than others?
Reply back to my freepost consultation and let me know.
Parking is an issue due to the fact that this area was built before everyone owned a car, no scheme will solve that.
Good point!
I agree that when the area was developed, no one could have envisioned how important the car would become to us.
Still we are where we are, and if residents feel there is a problem some action needs to be taken.
My freepost consultation is a chance to let me know what you think. Should there be a public demand for a resident parking scheme, the council will need to take notice.
Bally, I find your post remarkable.
I quote: "The financial incompetence of the Conservative controlled Council means there is no extra money to extend the Butts resident parking scheme into your area. Council services are being cut as they try to balance a £7 million pound deficit. Jobs will also suffer as 116 families face redundancies this year."
Council services are not being "cut" - any efficiency savings that are made are as a direct result of unrealistic targets imposed by the Labour Government. Combine that with a less than adequate settlement from Government this year and it is necessary to streamline services.
Streamlining isn't necessary bad news; it leads to efficiency and the delivery of better public services for residents.
And, given that Labour had 25 years of control in Coventry, what did they do? They left the city's finances in a terrible state; they neglected Coventry's roads and basic infrastructure, and they failed to attract any significant, sustainable business to the city. Today, Severn Trent, Nationwide and others are coming to Coventry - and world respected architects want to work in Coventry - this was unheard of under Labour.
Your blog repeatedly mentions the "financial incompetence of the Conservative administration" (which is simply not true) without mentioning the disastrous policies of the Labour Government, and the first run on a bank for a century!
Let's face it, you haven't got much chance in Whoberley and your ranting on your blog does not make you an attractive option for my vote.
I'd rather you be positive and show me what you do differently, instead of banging on about your political opponents. Do you even live in Whoberley????
should the focus not be more on public transport? i have heard that Labour still have not ruled out a possible closure of Pool Meadow bus station!
I feel that your opinion is very, very biased. Not only are the opinions poorly explained, the English is terrible and the facts are incorrect. People are likely to pay more attention and vote for you if these are corrected.
I feel that this is unfortunate. I will not be voting for you on May 1st. - I thought you might like to know why.
Have a nice day. :)
Only a Tory would defend cuts to public services by calling them "efficiency savings"!
Only the Tories think that promises to preserve Pool Meadow are a vote winner. I travel entirely by public transport but can see absolutely no benefit to the place and the changes they've made near Sainsbury's are down right dangerous.
I was also noticed the irony of making attacks on Bally's English. Assuming that this wasn't some kind of veiled racist remark, a quick look at the sidebar reveals he was educated under a Tory government.
I've just had a leaflet through from the Conservatives and I have to say that their standard of English leaves much to be desired.
I think it is sad that when an enterprising and open candidate does what people say they want and consults the public, all the opposition can offer are petty and snide remarks. Far from ranting, I am very impressed by Bally's knowledge of the issues; his willingness to tackle them and his openness to public suggestion.
Keep up the good work Bally and don't let the opposition distract you, by hypocritical personal attacks, from the issues people care about .
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