When I was visiting Hearsall Common I noticed a young student trying to rush across the road narrowly missing an oncoming car, in order to catch the number 12 bus at the row of bus stops. I thought to myself that a pelican crossing was urgently needed in the area for the public safety of all local residents. It seems to me that two pelican crossings are required, one at Hearsall Common opposite the row of bus stops and the other on Earlsdon Avenue North alongside the junction with Hearsall Lane. I also understand from local resident and Councillor Lynette Kelly that a bus from Bishop Ullathorne School drops children off at the location in the evening. In order to avoid a possible tragic incident, I believe that we should lobby the council to install the pelican crossings. If you feel something should be done too, please fill in the online petition at the following link. Many Thanks.
As students who regularly cross this road, we usually don't take the extra few minutes required to walk 20m down the road and cross 'safely' at the traffic lights (The sequence of the lights mean that, there is always a safe time to cross without crossing through traffic). However we feel the addition of pelican crossing is not a good idea. If we are running late for the bus, we still would not want to wait, miss the bus and then potentially our lectures or deadlines. These crossings would cause even more congestion in an area that is already congested during peak times, adding more time to everyone's journey. Surely it is our (the students') responsibility as pedestrians to cross the road safely, not the job of a council to ensure we do!
Thanks James for taking the time to add a comment to this subject.
I understand your concerns, however the junction already has 2 pelican crossings on the Queensland Avenue and the Hearsall Lane sides. What is missing are the pelican crossings on the Hearsall Common and Earlsdon Avenue sides. The current situation seems inconsistent, and in fact negates the benefit of having the existing pelican crossings at all!
Regarding your last point about students being responsible for their own safety, I agree that no public safety measures would prevent an accident due to irresponsible pedestrian behaviour. However this does not mean we shouldn’t try to make the task of crossing the road safer and easier for the public. Installing the pelican crossings would prevent the need for people to cross the road according to the inexact science of predicting traffic lights sequences. It would instead provide an air of safety and reliability for pedestrians in the area.
sharon69There are too many pelican crossings along this stretch of road already. I travel to work along hearsall common every morning and I get stopped at the lights on the common and the bottom of hearsall lane which are obviously required. Turn the corner and a queue for a pelican crossing and no one there. another fifty yards and another pelican crossing. Stop and queue again. Traffic lights going in by the Butts retreat pub soon and thats is just a hubdred yards or so further on, followed by another set of lights by the college. Too much stop starting can be dangerous and causes tailbacks when people press the button and then cross before they should leaving irrate motorists stopping at empty crossings. Surely there are other more important things for you to be spending your time on than adding more lights to this hectic junction and causing more traffic misery at rush hour.
Thanks Dave/Sharon69 for your insightful comments.
I agree that this particular stretch of road especially during rush hour gets extremely busy and is somewhat of a bottle neck for traffic.
So when I was thinking of what should be done to improve road safety in the area, I did not want to propose adding any unnecessary traffic lights increasing congestion and the risk of accidents. Instead I saw the need to make more efficient use of the existing traffic lights at the Hearsall Common junction, by advocating the installation of two extra pelican crossings which would allow people to cross the road safely on all 4 sides.
Pedestrians mainly cross the road here to catch a bus from the row of bus stops on Hearsall Common, and by making it safer we make public transport more attractive. Should this not be encouraged anyway as one of the main ways to reduce congestion?
We do not need a crossing here but down by where the fair is as many people cross here and in the mornings it is a death trap.
We need to do something about the amount of cars on Coventry roads and get people driving safely. More traffic police to take to walking and do more on the spot fines and give points to bad drives to get them off our streets. Plus the council should do something about WMT putting the fairs up to £1.30 this is just making more people use their cars.. ohh I could go on but once I start I would never stop it is time to change local control take our City back and become a place people can live, work and enjoy to be part of.....
Wow I love the oppurtunity that we have now a days to pick and choose where we want to go from visually seeing everything on the web! I mean I am quite new to the whole blogging game, but its really fun and interesting! I mean look at what we run into?!?
Blogs like these that I just have to comment on! :)
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