Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Christmas is such an exciting time, evoking childhood memories of presents, family get togethers, good television and sometimes even snow! I wish everyone the happiest of experiences during this festive season and hope that all your wishes come true for 2008!

Altogether 2007 has been an exciting and busy year for me. My daughter April started her first year at nursery school, and it is amazing to her see her progress by learning and interacting with the other school children!

I would also like to give my thanks to the people of Whoberley Ward for making the experience of standing as your local Labour candidate such an enjoyable, honourable and fulfilling one. I have been truly humbled by all your thoughtful and sometimes honest (!) responses to my consultation process. It is clear that what we need is an open and understanding local government working in partnership with the electorate of Coventry. I promise to represent the issues that matter to you with energy and total commitment.

I am also pleased to report that well over a hundred names have signed the petition for extra pelican crossings at the Hearsall Common Junction. I plan to submit our response to the city council early in 2008, so watch this space for any further developments.

I think for all of us there is lots of work to do for the New Year, so maybe we are duty bound to make the best out of this well deserved break. Once again my sincerest thanks to you all and hope to see or hear from you soon in the very near future.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Anti-Social Behavior

Anti-social behaviour creates an environment which negatively affect our everyday lives.

I want to hear your views about how we can reduce the levels of anti-social behaviour in Whoberley together, by leaving me your comments and suggestions. You may have an idea to improve street lighting in your local area, especially as the winter evenings approach us. I know this is a particular issue in Dunchurch Highway. Or maybe you have an idea to introduce well managed local play and youth facilities, to reduce youngsters congregating with little constructive activities to do, such as around Allesley Park.

What do you also think of how the council and police respond to incidents of anti-social behaviour? I want to know if there is anything that could be done better to protect our safety and property.

Useful Numbers:

  • To report anti social behaviour contact 0845 605 2222

  • To report crime or request crime prevention advice contact West Midlands Police on 0845 113 5000 (always call 999 in an emergency)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hearsall Common Petition for a new Pelican Crossing

When I was visiting Hearsall Common I noticed a young student trying to rush across the road narrowly missing an oncoming car, in order to catch the number 12 bus at the row of bus stops. I thought to myself that a pelican crossing was urgently needed in the area for the public safety of all local residents. It seems to me that two pelican crossings are required, one at Hearsall Common opposite the row of bus stops and the other on Earlsdon Avenue North alongside the junction with Hearsall Lane. I also understand from local resident and Councillor Lynette Kelly that a bus from Bishop Ullathorne School drops children off at the location in the evening. In order to avoid a possible tragic incident, I believe that we should lobby the council to install the pelican crossings. If you feel something should be done too, please fill in the online petition at the following link. Many Thanks.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Whoberley Coffee Mornings

I will let you know when and where the next Whoberley Coffee Morning will be held. These coffee mornings would be a good chance to discuss local issues, and for us to work together making Whoberley a better place to live. It will also be a good chance to try some cakes!